Why Do We Offer Classes?
We believe it is important for all believers to learn how to accurately handle the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15). One way we support this goal is through the courses we offer.
Some courses, such as Basic Christianity and various survey courses, are open to anyone. Other courses, such as our Leadership Training Courses (LTC), are invite only. Please talk
to your fellowship group leader if you are interested in taking LTC. Students pay a small fee to take these courses.
Fall 2024
New Testament Survey
Price: $25 student, $50 individual, $90 couple
Sign up
Payment needed once your spot is confirmed.
LTC: Hermeneutics and Homiletics
Invitation only, please contact your fellowship group leader and/or
Zak Rozler
with any questions.
Price: $30 student, $75 individual, $125 couple
contact Zak Rozler
with any questions